About the show
Are enough parking spaces available?
Several parking spaces are available for visitors in the surrounding area. Our dealers have a marked parking lot for their cars.
Is it allowed to bring dogs (or other animals) to the show?
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to welcome dogs or other animals in the hall. If you are planning to come with several people and animals, one of you would have to stay with the animal in the outdoor area.
What is a Bembel anyway?
A Bembel is a thick-bellied stone jug used to serve cider. It is mainly found in the region of Hessen (Germany) and is produced in Westerwald. It gets its typical grey colour from a salt glaze, which is then traditionally enhanced by blue paintings of apple tree branches or floral patterns.
Where did the show get its name from?
The Hessian region is mainly known for its cider and the corresponding wine pots (called “Bembel”). The region near Frankfurt, which we have chosen for the show, also has a strong connection to its tradition and the old culture of wine pressing. So what could be more natural, apart from the possibility of calling it the “<add city name here> show”, to link it to a centuries-old tradition? We would thus like to combine the history of the area, the ancient craft of stoneware painting, with the painting and artistry that we also create on much smaller canvases; a convivial bringing together of tradition and modernity, an exchange between cultures and generations – an expansion of creation and knowledge.
About the Contest
Why is there no distinction between “Historical” and “Fantasy”?
We thought long and hard about whether we wanted to make a distinction (and that’s why there’s a longer explanation). The last few years of miniature shows have also shown us that such a strict distinction poses completely different problems for some painters; for example, what about realistic depictions of contemporary topics, or pop art interpretations, which are clearly more “colourful / fantasy” in terms of painting, but in the art context belong more to “historical”. We want to remove this boundary between two genres, which could give each other so much more.
We understand that the painting approach of historical pieces is sometimes different from pieces that are painted more fantastically, starting with the choice of colours (for example, the saturation of colours or historical accuracy), the realism of scenes or even the context in which certain characters relate to their surroundings. We believe that pieces that are painted rather desaturated will not drown in a sea of “over-coloured” figures, but that both will complement each other.
However, we also firmly believe that the communicative exchange between the two genres must be encouraged and that we can learn from each other. The Bembel Miniature Cup Crew is working to bring together a balanced jury team of painters from all genres to show all participants that also historical and fantasy genres can coexist and be judged together.
For example, the “Technical” category is not just about who has painted the “poppiest” or who has used the most desaturated colours. It is about the technical implementation, about whether the participant has implemented the style well.
Are historical figures and fantasy figures judged differently?
No. The categories determine how a figure is judged. Please take a look at our contest rules for more information. If you submit a figure in “Technique”, for example, then – regardless of whether you see it as “historical” or “fantasy” – attention will be paid to how good the painterly technical realisation is.
The Bembel Miniature Cup Crew makes sure that the jury contains a balanced mix of painters who come from both genres (historical and fantasy). In this way, we also try to ensure that there is no bias / partiality towards one of the genres.
In which category do I submit sculpts / modelled figures (traditional / digital)?
Since the competition does not have a separate “Greens” category, we have decided to answer this question with:
“Depends on what you want to be judged”.
As soon as you submit an unpainted figure, the jury will automatically (and logically) not judge the painting.
The three main categories revolve around “Technical”, “Expression” and “Gaming”. So if you want to have a specific question answered (or make a statement about your handed in figure) that falls into one of the categories, then you can narrow down a bit where you should set your figure. Such questions could be, for example, for the different categories:
- Technical
- “How good is my painting / modelling technique?”
- “I would like to have my modelling style evaluated!”
- Expression
- “How well does my figure convey a story?”
- “I would like to have the message of the figure evaluated!”
- Gaming
- “I have modelled a (small) army for tabletop gaming!”
Does fantasy have to be in “Expression” and historical in “Technical”?
No. The first question you should ask yourself is: “What do I want to be judged on?”
If the answer is “I want to compete with other participants with my painting style”, then the answer is (regardless of whether you see your figure in a historical or fantasy context): “Your entry is in the technical category”.
If your answer is rather: “I would like to have the scene and the associated story evaluated”, then your figure, your diorama, your story belongs in the “Expression” category.
I have submitted everything, but realise on site that I still need to change something, is that possible?
Yes, that works. We have a few helpers on site during the registration period who can work with you to make changes.
What if one person sculpts a figure and another paints it? Do they both get a medal? And where should the figure then be submitted?
In recent years, we have seen more and more often that joint productions are submitted and then both (painter and modeller) receive a medal. In general, we are very supportive of joint productions, but in order to receive two medals, two figures must be submitted:
- one unpainted figure to evaluate the modelling aspect
- another (painted figure) in order to be able to evaluate the painting / storytelling aspect
Why we decided to do this: In order to be able to make an independent evaluation of the model, the model must also be evaluated without colour. Furthermore, since every painted figure submitted was also initially modelled by another person, we would have to be fair and award two medals to all other modellers if both were to be judged.
What can be submitted to the “Out of Competition” category?
You don’t have to be a “Master” or have done anything special to be allowed to submit figures in “Out of Competition”.
- You haven’t finished but would still like to present your progress?
- Competitions are not for you, but you would still like to show something?
- Are you a jury member and would like to bring your exhibits along?
- You don’t dare to have your figures judged?
Any of the above questions answered with a “Yes”?
No problem: use Out of Competition!
In Emperor there is an “Out of Competition” category under the “Master” level, but don’t worry: as nothing is judged here by the jury, the level is irrelevant.
How can I add my entries to “Out of Competition” in Emperor?
“Out Of Competition” is called “OOC” in Emperor and is only available in the “Masters” level. But don’t worry about that, because Out of Competition means exactly that: Not participating in the competition. That’s why the level is irrelevant, and you can simply select “Masters” and enter your figures here.

Where can I pay my Emperor fee?
On the Emperor homepage, after logging in, there is a button at the top to pay the registration fees via PayPal. If you prefer to make your payment by bank transfer, or anything is not working, please contact us at orga@bembelminiaturecup.com.
In which category do I submit my vignette with 15 figures?
Short answer: Please read Does Fantasy have to go in “Expression” and Historical in “Technical”? FAQ entry.
Long answer: That depends on what you want to have judged. A vignette is not a unit you play tabletop with per se, so this category already falls out. After that, you just have to ask yourself what you would prefer to have scored on your vignette. And based on this answer, you can then submit it to a category.
What exactly can be entered into the “Gaming” category?
Everything you have painted for your tabletop game. Your army of high elves, your armada of space marines, of zerglings, of little hobbits. Maybe even your individual figures if they don’t have a large, elaborate base. Have another look at the contest rules.
What happens if I realise on site that I added my entry into the wrong category?
Yes, that works. We have a few helpers on site during the registration period who can work with you to make changes.
Do I need an additional plinth for my gaming miniature, or is the gaming base enough?
Submitted works must be assembled and firmly attached to stands / plinths so that they can be safely transported and judged by the jury without the works being damaged.
Contest rules 2024
This simply means, that also gaming miniatures need to be attached firmly to their gaming base, when they are entered to the contest. The miniature does not need an additional plinth.